Saturday 4 September 2010

Ultimate Big Brother - 2nd Eviction

Since Sam has buggered off to Portugal! I am on Big Brother duty aswell,

And tonights episode, oh my! Did you hear Makosi & Anthonys conversation as they cleared it up 'They didn't have sex'... is it me, or was that really awkward to watch?

And Brian was dancing... Did you see Glyn from BB7? I LOVED Glyn!! He was so funny and did you see Nikki's face when she saw him? Bless her!

Oh Also! Nikki: Do you think Nadia is on her Period? Brian: Maybe, but probably not. - HAHAHA, oh my.

Oh... and it's been announced Vanessa Feltz will re-enter the Big Brother House. Why? I have nooo idea? Well obviously it's for the money.. But why? She was annoying on Celebrity Big Brother 1 and will continue to be just - if not more annoying than before. Oh Joy.


Makosi is the first to leave tonight! I wasn't really a fan of her in big brother 6 and i wasn't really a fan of her in this big brother either? I didn't really care that she went in... And i don't really care that she left? Oh well. Bye bye Makosi!

Nadia is the second to leave tonight. I loved Nadia in big brother 5 and i still love her now, i think she's fabulous. Remember that song she released? It was really catcy! Aww Bye Nadia you will be missed!

Well till next Ultimate Big Brother update.

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