Thursday 2 September 2010

Corrie's 50th - Corrie 50th live special!

The producers of Coronation Street has just announced for it's 50th anniversary, they're going todo a live show! The live broadcast will happen later on this year, on the birthday of the show! - How exciting!

What better way to celebrate half a century on TV, than with another live episode?

This will be their second live show, as they marked their 40th anniversary with a live show on 8th December 2000, Prince Charles was a quest on the show! He was on to visit Vera Duckworth in hospital after she donated her kidney to her son Terry.

Ooooo i wonder if they'll have another royal guest?!

The plot and storyline hasn't yet been revealed but when it has! I'll let you know!

I'm excited, are you?

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