Thursday 2 September 2010

Crazy Gunman attacks Discovery Channel!

When you think people couldn't be anymore insane!

You have this guy... 

James J. Lee who was armed with guns and bombs, and went to the Discovery Channel HQ in Silver Spring, Maryland. He snuck onto the land and kept a few people hostage!

Apprently he'd been complaining about the Channel for years and decided to take action yesterday. Even the roads outside the HQ were closed off for other peoples saftey.

His brother-in-law was saying he's crazy! Saying he's "intense", "misguided", "ungrateful", prone to "emotional outbursts", has a "lack of respect for authority" is "abusive to the people who love him" even to his family members who have been helping him for years - How scary!

After letting his hostages go, Lee was finally shot dead by the police.

Crazy to think what did the Discovery channel do?


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