There's no getting away from it now. I am the biggest "Gleek" I know. Yet are we sick of it ALREADY?
The answer is; we're getting there.
Glee was created by Ryan Murphy and was picked up by FOX 15 hours after the script was submitted. Impressive. Since then it has exploded into the world. Attracting high audiences and massively loyal fans, Glee is an amazing show. There's no doubting that. I have every song they've ever done on my ipod. But now the show is hugely popular, the merchandise and money grab proceeds:
Multiple CDs
Games (Wii game, Board games)
Greeting Cards ( :S whaaaat?)
Lunch Bags
Holiday Gift Sets
Just from one season?!? You're not High School Musical! Also the amount of celebrities begging for cameos or roles is ridiculous and if they keep agreeing to them, it's going to ruin it. I mean Susan Boyle is rumored to be appearing in the Christmas episode as a lunch-lady? Please. Yes, the woman needs to do something with her life but trust me, it's not this. So how much is too much? And how long will Glee last if this keeps up?
I have a few requests if you like for the next season of Glee:
First of all give Jane Lynch every award possible and a hug from me.
More Brittany! (I know this is happening anyway but still)
Kill off 'Other Asian' or Mike as he is actually known. He said one word last season.
and I think that's it.
It's Friday! Which means one thing. Eviction night. This week Dave, JJ, Jo and Sam Pepper faced eviction from the Big Brother House.
As you can see Jo got the boot with 39.4% of the vote. I neither liked or disliked Jo. She just seemed to be there. She never did anything exciting. She had no real storyline, yet another waste of a housemate. As much as I loathe Sam Pepper, the right person went tonight. Believe it or not but this was not the most exciting thing that happened on Big Brother tonight.
Once the eviction was out of the way, Davina announced to the housemates that the final was in 11 days, not in 4 weeks like they thought. She continued to tell them that they had 1 minute to decide who got a ticket to the final. After some confused voting (it always is with them) they decided Josie would get the special ticket to the final!
I am so happy she got it. I was expecting them to all vote for Steve because "he deserves it". Like bollocks he does. What has he done for the past 9 weeks except sit around on his arse and tell people what to do? Josie in my opinion is one of the best housemates ever. Not only does she have an amazing accent that I would marry, she is genuinely funny and real. Although I am usually against BB romances, she seems to really like John James. It's a shame the feelings aren't thought back by the Aussie. That's what I think anyway.
Now Josie is definitely in the final, Davina informed the housemates, that the winner of this series will not only receive £100,000 but will be re-entering the house with some of this lot:
We have from left to right: Michelle Bass (BB5), Brian Belo (BB8), Siavash Sabbaghpour (BB10), Craig Phillips (BB1), Alex Sibley (BB3), Dane Bowers (CBB), Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace (BB7), Brian Dowling (BB2), Nikki Grahame (BB7), Nadia Almada (BB5), Pete Bennett (BB7), Charley Uchea (BB8), Nick Bateman (BB1), Chantelle Houghton (CBB), John McCririck (CBB).
I freaked out when I saw this image on digitalspy this morning. They have an amazing line-up with a few exceptions. I want 9 out of the 15 people on there to go into the house with the winner of BB11 which will hopefully be either Josie or Corin. The ones that I have crossed out are the ones I don't want in. I would also like Siavash replaced with Marcus Atkin or BB10 winner Sophie Reade.
Make sure you turn in for the end of Big Brother 11 and the beginning of Ultimate Big Brother, Channel 4, 24th August 2010, 8pm onwards.