Friday 10 September 2010

Ultimate Big Brother - Big Brother's Last Ever Show Ever - Part 4

Ohmydays. It's so sad. This is it. The Final Hour of Big Brother. It starts of with Davina arriving in a car like the housemates used to do to enter the show. The crowd is silent and she makes a speech. Then it irrupts into a party!!!

Last Titles Roll!!

3rd place is...
CHANTELLE! The final 3 are my the favourites to win so I'm happy either way now. Anyway Chantelle Houghton! I rolled my eyes when she entered but she's just amazing. So sweet and lovely and really funny and genuine and a wonderful housemate. She won the celebrity series and she wasn't even a celebrity and now she's came 3rd from 267 housemates! BRILLIANT. Well done Chantelle. Well deserved. I hope she gets everything sorted with Preston! Whatever happens I hope she's happy at the end of it. That's all that matters. 

So here we go! Brian and Nikki. 2 of the best housemates of all time. They have rightfully got their place in the final! 

In an amazing 2nd place is...

'This is Davina, please do not swear'

NIKKI!! She's just amazing! I loved her originally and I loved her more this time round. I love how she feels about Big Brother and what it's done for her and how it's changed her life for the better and it's just so genuine and real. She's hilariously funny, great entertainment and definitely the 2nd best housemate of all time really. Well done Nikki! I feel so happy.

So this means that our Ultimate Housemate of all time is...
BRIAN DOWLING!!!! I'm so happy right now. It's mixed emotions really, but right now I'm happy. Brian is our Ultimate Housemate! So deserving.  He's funny, entertaining... just amazing really. I'm so glad he won. I'm running out of words now and I'm just repeating my self! Well done Brain, our Ultimate Big Brother Housemate who go 49.7% of the vote. We love you! Fact: Brian has never faced eviction ever and won twice!!

Seeing Brain leave the house was terribly emotional. It's the last time someone will leave that house. It's the last time for loads of things. 

Oh god. I had to stop writing because I needed to watch the last 15 minutes without distraction. I cried. More on this later, in one last Big Brother Blog. :(

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