Saturday 12 February 2011

Lady GaGa debuts 'Born This Way'

Hello! It really has been a while hasn't. Sorry about that! It's been a crazy few weeks with my birthday and many nights out and trips to London and so forth, but today, I felt I should return because GaGa has finally let us have a listen to the overly-hyped 'Born This Way'. Here it is:

Okay, so I completely forgot that this was even being released! I've been in London with college for a couple of days and I've been totally out of touch with the celebrity gossip world, so much so it almost killed me! I am obviously lying. But anyway, while sitting in one of the many, many, many London Starbucks, with my friend's Macbook, I saw a Facebook status about the song and I suddenly remembered that the song would hit people's ears finally! I immediately found it and listened with my friend in silence. 

My initial reaction was meh. I'm sad to say I did not love it straight away like I thought I would. I remember hearing 'Bad Romance' for the very first time, and it's was just so amazing that you just wanted to constantly listen to it. Same when Britters released 'Hold It Against Me'. I literally had it on repeat for 3 hours!

So yes, I am not a lover yet, but please don't get me wrong. I am a huge GaGa fan and I do like the song, but unfortunately it was waaaay over-hyped. This song will not change music and it is not the future (because it sounds like something from the 80's). All those amazing things that people said about the track, it's really all bullshit. The only thing I could possibly agree with, is that it's going to be massive. It's Lady GaGa. There's no doubt that this song will go to Number 1 in many countries. It's already at the top of the iTunes chart in over 21 countries including this one. 

I just feel a bit letdown. As a fan really. I mean, yes I like the song, but the way it was talked about, especially by Perez Hilton, it was just to over-hyped and did not live up to it. I went onto to my beloved DigitalSpy before and saw the main headline that read : "GaGa fans divided over new single" Understandable, and to be perfectly honest I'm glad I am not that only one that feels let down. If you look through the forums, there's lots of negative comments towards the song. While, I agree with some parts of what they say, I do like the song. It's not bad or terrible at all. It's catchy and dancey and makes me feel good when I listen to it, but it's not what I was expecting which is a shame really, but we still have the album to look forward to in May! Will it be as controversial as this track?

Also can anyone like hear Madonna's 'Express Yourself' when you listen to it. I didn't hear it during the first listen, but then a friend pointed it out and I heard it instantly, as have many other people. Hmm. 

Enough about my opinions, I want to hear yours! Let me know what you think of the most talked about song at the moment, down below! :)


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