Sunday 3 April 2011

3rd April 2011 Round-Up

Sunday is normally a slow news day but let's have a gander at what happened then.


There's been plenty of rumor and speculation that Channel Five had picked up the Big Brother format after Channel 4 sadly dropped it last year, and today it's been reported that Big Brother WILL return this summer! The Daily Star (a very respectable newspaper) has claimed Channel Five which is currently going through a reinvention phase has signed a 5 year deal with BB creators Endemol. Appaz the show will return for a 4 week celebrity series in August, followed by a regular series in September. 

Seems kinda odd and quick to me, but I love Big Brother. Whether it'll be the same or as good as it once was is another thing. There won't be any Davina McCall as host because she's said her goodbyes and left the house. So who will host the show? Will there still be a Geordie narrator? Who will be the celebrity contestants? Will it be just as good? Hmms. Let's hope so. I'll give it a year before I decide whether to apply to go on it ;)

2. Charlie Sheen is a joke.

I don't know if you've heard of this guy called Charlie Sheen? There was the whole drama over him being crazy and fired from this show he's in called Two and a Half Men. It wasn't reported that much so I don't blame you for not knowing about it. ANYWAY he went on, what, some sort of comedy tour? is that what it is? Yeah we'll go with that. A comedy tour, which sold out in minutes. He debuted last night in the good city of Detroit and the audience was less than pleased and booed him of the stage after 15 minutes. That's what I like to call awkward. Sheen didn't return to the stage after the intermission. 

3. Hello! New album from Beyonce in June?

I love me some Beyonce like. What a woman! After the amazement of her last album, could she do any better? Probably. According to reports, Beyonce, who just recently ended her profession relationship with her father Mathew Knowles has played 6 new tracks to her label bosses and they could not be happier. One has said "It was just amazing. These songs, the best description I can give them is groudbreaking. She's gone to another level." Once he removed his head from her arse that is. Her new album will be be released in June to coincide with her Glastonbury Festival performance. Handy ;) looking forward to it though!

4. Don't worry though, she's still, she's still Jenny from the Block. It's fine!

You've probably heard Jennifer Lopez's new track 'On The Floor' with Pitbull by now right? I mean where have you been if you haven't heard it. SHAME ON YOU, because it is a bloody good song and it's only gone and knocked Adele off the top spot in the UK Charts! FINALLY. Not that I don't love Adele and that song but come on, surely people still couldn't be buying it! Every household in Britain must have a copy. Seriously though, congratulations on your 3rd UK Number One Jennifer Lopez. It's well deserved and I cannot wait for your album to hit at the end of this month. I'm gonna be honest with you, I think, your back! Niice. 

Oh also there was a Nickelodeon's Kids Choice Awards and people got slimed and people won crappy awards. Meh is the word I choose to use to describe that event. 

ALSO look out for a post dedicated to our beloved Essex tomorrow where I'll be taking a look at tonight's scrumptious episode, after of course I've got back FROM GOING TO SEE KATY PERRY! Yes! Expect a post about that too! EXCITING TIMES PEOPLE!

In a bit. 

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