Sunday 17 October 2010

The X Factor - Live Shows Week Two

Here we go with the second X Factor Live Show and after all the drama of last week, will we get the same this time?

Another show with some great performances and some not so great. 

Let's look at my top 3 performances.

Number 1 for me has to be Mary!

Mary is a true star. She's given an excellent performance each time and I can only imagine what will happen if she stays in the competition till the end. I would like to see her taken out of her comfort zone and given maybe a dance number or even a more upbeat song. Standing still and singing in an old school microphone won't work every week unfortunately. 

Number 2 is Matt!

Whenever I talk to somebody about The X Factor, Matt always comes up as someone's favourite. He hasn't really been on my radar until now. I really loved his performance and I'm not a big fan. I can see him going all the way. Again though, the same as Mary, a dance number might help? 

Finally, WAGNER!!

It's funny how I put him in my worst list last week. I really like Wagner now. Even though I was on my way to getting drunk, while watching his performance , I enjoyed it. He's a laugh. He's not a good singer but he's entertainment and that is part of The X Factor. Toasting to WAGNER!!!

Let's look at my not so good performances: 

I think the only one was Diva Fever.

I just can't get away with these two. They make me cringe so much, and they are the act that I least look forward to every week. In fact I dread it. I hope they leave soon.

I have to mention a few others. Belle Amie were amazing. So much better than last week thank god! I really like them. Katie Waissel was also much better this week than last. While I still love him, Aiden Grimshaw disappointed. 

What did you think of Week 2? Leave your comments below! Make sure you watch the results show tonight at 8 on ITV1! And check back here later for my Results Blog.

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